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Free Energy Generator by Using Sim Card ... 버려진 소비에트우주왕복선 ... Energia-Buran programme. Part 2 ... Christoph Europa 1 - Start im Wohngebiet

by 멀라머가 2021. 10. 20.


[영상] Free Energy Generator by Using Sim Card | picture·image·video/일반 영상

멀라머가 2019. 1. 5. 04:39






  • 2019.01.07 05:38


게시일이 생일날 ㄷㄷ


[영상] 버려진 소비에트우주왕복선 / Energia-Buran programme. Part 2. | picture·image·video/일반 영상

멀라머가 2019. 1. 7. 05:38





게시일: 2017. 10. 16.

(자동 번역) MZK (조립 및 연료 공급을위한 복합체)라고 불리는이 건물은 바이 코 누르 우주 기지 (카자흐스탄)에 위치하고 있으며 두 번째 부란 우주 왕복선 OK-1K2 부리 아 (폭풍우)를 포함하고 있습니다. 그리고 OK-MT - 테스트 및 교육에 사용되는 정적 테스트 모델.

부란(러시아어: Буран)은 러시아어로 '눈보라'라는 뜻으로 소련의 부란 계획에 의해 유일하게 완성된 운용 가능한 우주왕복선이다. 1993년에 왕복선 계획이 취소되기까지 1988년 한 차례 무인비행하였을 뿐이며, 2002년 격납고가 무너지면서 파괴되었다.

This building, known as MZK (Russian for Assembly and Fueling Complex) is located at the Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan) and contains second Buran-class spaceplane OK-1K2 Burya (Storm), which was never completed and also OK-MT - an earlier static test model used for testing and training.

Buran (Snowstorm) was the first spaceplane to be produced as part of the Buran programme - Soviet reusable spacecraft project. The only orbital launch of the Buran-class orbiter occurred on 15 November 1988. Buran was lifted into space, on an unmanned mission, by the specially designed Energia rocket.

After the first flight of a Buran shuttle, the project was suspended due to lack of funds and the political situation in the Soviet Union. on 12 May 2002 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome the MIK 112 hangar collapsed as a result of poor maintenance. The collapse killed eight workers and destroyed the craft as well as an Energia carrier rocket.

Mark Morgan - Twisted Preacher
Michael McCann - Pan Insertion Music
Glenn Stafford, Derek Duke & Neal Acree - Fire in the Sky

camera - panasonic gh2
lenses - panasonic 14-42 , panasonic 45-150
stabilizer - flycam junior

september 2016
september 2017

  • 카테고리


[영상] Christoph Europa 1 - Start im Wohngebiet | picture·image·video/일반 영상

멀라머가 2019. 1. 7. 05:39


















